Monday, February 12, 2007

College Professors going WEB 2.0

Today's Arizona Republic's website, AZCentral, has a great article about how professors at ASU and the University of Arizona are using Blogs, Podcasts, and Wikis to teach.
Blogs and podcasts are making their way into traditional college classrooms, changing the way students learn and professors teach. Learning becomes more interactive and can take place in the middle of the night.

Professors say the new learning modes improve their ability to communicate with students and foster more interaction among students.

"Many a quiet student has really come to life on their blogs," said UA lecturer Bill Endres, who uses blogs in English courses. "Some students actually have become stars in the social realm in classes because students think their blogs are funny."

The trend is inspired by students, who are no strangers to blogging and podcasting in their daily lives.
The article goes on to detail how these tools, often referred to as Web 2.0, are being used by the professors and the impact on the students. Clearly, the image of a stodgy old professor lecturing to a room full of bored students is on its way to becoming a thing of the past.

This is clearly where education is heading, and it is important to remember that it is not the tools that are important, but HOW the tools are used. This is how education needs to be transformed. In an article on today's (2-12-07) AZSTARNET talks about how education should be reformed. I think that following the lead of these colleges and professors is the way to go.

A side note: Podcasting may be a new concept for professors, but not so new to college students, who have been recording lectures for their friends and frat brothers who were unable to attend class on that day.

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