Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Learning because of, or in spite of it all..

I had been looking forward to this course over a month before it began. Web 2.0 and new technology is one of my interests and something I am extremely familiar with, enough so to have done workshops for teachers on how to use them in their classrooms.

Once the course began, however, I was a little disappointed. Much of what was presented and asked of us was not new to me. Wikis, blogs and podcasting have been around for several years, and I've mastered these tools and fairly well versed on how to integrate them into the classroom. I was expecting some discussion on the potential use of social media tools such as Twitter and how to integrate mobile devices such as cell phones/smart phones/PDAs into classroom instruction.  To me, this is where the future of technology is headed, especially with the cuts that schools are facing coupled with the increased use of these devices/technology in the workplace.

That being said, I do feel that I have learned some things from this class, but more from my classmates and not much from the course content.

Where I see myself and the use of technology two years from now
My goal is to become a instructional technology director for a regular school district. I want to be leading the way with teachers in the use of technology in their daily instructional practices.  I plan on working on my supervisory certification as I complete this degree.

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